Sustainable Production Of Quality Capsicums In Carnarvon
1 July 2002Insect Pest Management In Sweet Corn
10 October 2002The ‘Integrated Pest Management for Brassicas’ VHS video and CD-ROM are the result of the Horticulture Australia project VG99006. These products were produced to encourage the Australian Brassica industry to adopt best practices in pest and disease management and to assist in the understanding and development of sound IPM programs.
Traditionally, new information has been delivered to the vegetable industry via written publications, field days, discussion groups, and to a lesser extent, formalised training workshops. Research shows the growers prefer to obtain information and ideas through face-to-face contact with other growers, researched, and consultants, or through practical demonstrations. Inital consultation with industry supported this view, with growers suggesting they had little spare time to attend extensive formal training workshops and reading lengthy manuals was tedious.
The ‘Integrated Pest Management for Brassicas’ video was developed with these issues in mind. The 40-minute video features both leading growers and researchers from around Australia sharing their experience and advice on best practice methods for managing pest and diseases. The CD-ROM, which includes the video, also contains interactive tools and materials to assist growers in developing their IPM programs. The CD-ROM is the first of its kind to deliver such a diverse range of IPM information to the vegetable Brassica industry.
This project has been funded by Hort Innovation, using the research and development levies listed below and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.