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20 July 2012

Management of soil acidity in agricultural land

Fact sheet
On-farm and crop management and Productivity
20 July 2012

Management Of Soil Health For Sustainable Vegetable Production

Project report
Environment, On-farm and crop management and more
20 July 2012

Management Of Soil-Borne Pathogens In Vegetable Cropping Systems In Bundaberg, Queensland

Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity and On-farm and crop management
20 July 2012

Management of thrips and tomato spotted wilt virus

Fact sheet
Pests diseases and biosecurity
20 July 2012

Management Of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus In Potatoes

Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity
Potatoes and Solanaceous vegetables
20 July 2012

Management of vegetable diseases with silicon

Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity, Industry data and insights and more
20 July 2012

Management of White Blister (Albugo candida) on Broccoli

Pests diseases and biosecurity
20 July 2012

Management Options For Controlling Melon Thrips In Vegetable Crops

Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity
Potatoes and Solanaceous vegetables
20 July 2012

Management Strategies For Rhizoctonia Of Processing Beetroot

Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity
Beetroot and Root vegetables

This project confirmed that Rhizoctonia is the principal cause of field symptoms and evaluated the role of boron deficiency, other pathogens and insect damage. It also identified which strain or strains or Rhizoctonia are responsible for field symptoms and investigated which other plant species act as alternative hosts in rotation crops. Finally, it devised and implemented disease management strategies based on cultural and chemical treatments.