20 July 2012
Powdery mildew – a new disease of carrots
Fact sheet
Pests diseases and biosecurity
Carrots and Root vegetables
20 July 2012
Precision Agriculture
Fact sheet
Industry data and insights, On-farm and crop management and more
20 July 2012
Prediction And Molecular Detection Of Soil-Borne Pathogens Of Potato
Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity and On-farm and crop management
Potatoes and Solanaceous vegetables
20 July 2012
Preparation and submission of permit applications for three Varroa mite control products
Project report
Pests diseases and biosecurity and On-farm and crop management
20 July 2012
Preparation Of Pesticide Minor-Use Applications In Various Vegetable Crops
Project report
On-farm and crop management and Chemicals & pesticides
20 July 2012
Preparing Desktop Minor Use Applications For Vegetables
Project report
On-farm and crop management and Chemicals & pesticides
20 July 2012
Preventing pests and diseases in the greenhouse – Farm Management Review and Action Plan
Pests diseases and biosecurity
20 July 2012
Processed potato industry development needs assessment
Project report
Industry development and communication and Market development
20 July 2012
Processing Potato Study Tour To North America, July 2002
Project report
Postharvest and supply chain
Potatoes and Solanaceous vegetables
20 July 2012
Product To Business – The Changing Face Of Hong Kong As A Market For Australian Fresh And Processed Vegetables
Market study
Industry development and communication and Market development
In May 2001, a small group representing the Australian vegetable and potato industry national peak body – Ausveg – travelled to Hong Kong to attend the HOFEX 2001 trade exhibition, participate in the 4th Asia Fruit Congress and to make observations and contacts that would contribute to the development of further trade in Australian fresh and processed vegetables into the region.