Perseverance pays off for Camilla
21 April 2020
Jamie Jurgens: Focus on soil sustainability
22 April 2020Click here to view an Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) weekly update containing a summary of total and forecast rainfall, recent climatic conditions, water storage levels and availability, irrigation allocations and commodity price movements and the impact of notable weather events on agriculture.
Water storage levels in the Murray-Darling Basin increased between 8 April and 15 April by three gigalitres.
Current volume of water held in storage is 8,152GL which represents 32 per cent of total capacity.
Allocation prices in the Victorian Murray below the Barmah Choke remained relatively steady, changing from $395 per megalitre on 9 April to $397 per ML on 16 April.
Price gaps between catchments above and below the Barmah Choke, and the Goulburn-Broken and other regions continue, as a result of binding Barmah Choke and Goulburn inter-valley trade limits.