Webinar recording: Strip-tillage for vegetables and potatoes
26 April 2022Final Report: The EnviroVeg Program 2017-2022
26 April 2022Registrations are now open for vegetable growers and industry members to attend the 2022 Annual Vegetable Industry Seminar (AVIS).
The seminar will be held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre on Monday 6 June from 12pm until 4pm (AEST) and lunch will be provided. The event will conclude immediately prior to the official opening of Hort Connections 2022.
This year, the AVIS will focus on a broad variety of topics relevant to vegetable growers including developments in protected cropping, the latest findings from the Soil Wealth Integrated Crop Protection project, strategies to increase export market access opportunities, and resilience and mental health for farmers.
The keynote address will be given by Warren Davies, The Unbreakable Farmer. Warren’s honest and sometimes confronting story of his journey through life as a farmer is packed full of useful advice on maintaining resilience in difficult times.
Limited funding is available to assist vegetable levy-paying growers cover accommodation and travel expenses to attend the seminar. Applications for funding close on Friday 27 May.
Interested growers are encouraged to get in touch immediately so that they do not miss out!
An option to register for the AVIS is available when purchasing passes to Hort Connections 2022.
Click here to register for the AVIS or to apply for attendance funding, please contact AUSVEG Project Officer Ian Thomas on 03 9882 0277 or at ian.thomas@ausveg.com.au.

The keynote address will be given by Warren Davies, The Unbreakable Farmer.