Research Summary – Reducing listeria contamination from salad vegetables
16 July 2019Latest project update from Vegetable Agrichemical Pest Management Needs and Priorities
23 July 2019The European Potato Conference Study Tour – 2019 provides five members of the potato industry with the opportunity to attend Potato Europe 2019, the outdoor exhibition for potato cultivation and machinery in Kain, Belgium, as well as farms and other businesses in Belgium.
Please note this mission is only open to levy-paying potato growers, employees of levy-paying businesses or potato industry researchers.
This project is funded by Hort Innovation using the fresh potato and potato processing research and development levies, contributions from tour participants and funds from the Australian Government. Participants will be required to make a voluntary contribution of $3,000 (plus GST) toward the cost of the mission.
Costs cover:
- Domestic and international air and land travel
- Event registration
- Single room accommodation
- Communal meals
Please complete the application form and return it via email to before close of business on Wednesday 7 August 2019 if you are interested in attending the mission. Places are limited.
PT18002 World Potato Congress and European Potato Conference Study Tour has been funded by Hort Innovation using the fresh potato and potato processing research and development levies, contributions from participants and contributions from the Australian Government. |