International Freight Assistance Mechanism: Additional urgent action required
21 April 2020
Valuable data to be captured from East Gippsland Vegetable Innovation Days
21 April 2020AUSVEG has teamed up with Australia’s leading health professionals and other horticulture industry groups to launch the Fruit & Vegetable Consortium, which brings together key organisations to collectively advocate for comprehensive action to address Australia’s complacency about eating fruits and vegetables.
The Fruit & Vegetable Consortium was formed in response to the alarmingly low rates of fruit and vegetable consumption in Australia.
The Consortium is collaborating to investigate options to increase figures, including a project to develop a sustained, comprehensive behaviour change campaign and program that will work to increase vegetable consumption among Australians.
The Consortium has outlined its vision and for its first major project is developing a business case and prospectus for potential funders, including government, retailers and other interested sectors to outline the investment needed for the campaign.
The Consortium already has over 50 organisations that have pledged their support since launching to industry five weeks ago.
For more, visit its website.