New AUSVEG page brings together levy-funded consumer resources
6 November 2018
Ryan Densley leads Virginia Farm Produce into the future
6 November 2018Since 2015, Hort Innovation has been investing in a levy-funded project investigating the application of automation, robotics, vision systems and sensing technologies in the vegetable industry.
As this project comes to a close, the team of researchers delivering the project is coordinating a series of workshops for Queensland growers to learn more about its findings and results.
Time/date: 3:00pm-5:00pm, Monday 12 November 2018
Location: Gatton Research Facility, Warrego Highway, Gatton QLD
RSVP: David Carey on 0467 746 302
Webinar link
Time/date: 3:00pm-5:00pm, Wednesday 14 November 2018
Location: Bowen Research Facility, Warwick Road, Bowen QLD
RSVP: Steve Ginns on 0477 312 156
Webinar link
Time/date: 2:00pm-4:00pm, Thursday 15 November 2018
Location: DAF office, 16-32 Enterprise St, Bundaberg
RSVP: Sue Heisswolf on 07 4797 9728
Webinar link
These workshops will feature speakers from the three organisations working on the project:
- Clinton Fookes (Queensland University of Technology), covering vision systems for rapid yield assessment of protected cropping and field-grown capsicum
- Peyman Moghadam (CSIRO Data61), discussing hyperspectral imaging for early problem detection in vegetable crops
- Sue Heisswolf/David Carey/Steve GInns (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland), with an update on industry engagement and communication
Each topic will be followed by a question and answer session to give attendees the chance to talk directly with researchers and find out more about the project’s work. For more, see the full workshop flyer.
These workshops are being coordinated in collaboration with the local grower groups supporting growers in each of the regions: Lockyer Valley Growers, Bowen Gumlu Growers Association and Bundaberg Fruit & Vegetable Growers.
This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 7 November 2018. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!