Amistar Xtra Label extension for sweet corn
27 April 2021
Global scan and review of organic soil amendments
4 May 2021Be part of the fastest growing food producing sector in Australia and join the only protected cropping course delivered at a postgraduate level in Australia.
Western Sydney University offers a unique Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate course in Protected Cropping, which is providing exciting learning opportunities.
Extend your knowledge and further develop your expertise in the areas of science, technology and business with a strong focus on high-tech and intensive horticulture.
This course is designed to comprehensively cover both Australian and international challenges in sustainable greenhouse production in a changing global climate.
The course includes a combination of flexible online learning modules and practical on-site workshops to allow you the flexibility to work while studying.
The highlight for your learning journey is the Masterclass experience, where you will meet with industry experts and work on real life industry challenges in a world-class, hightech greenhouse facility. Themes within the workshops for the Masterclass include software and hardware systems, crop and produce management, integrated pest management
and fertigation systems.
The Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate in Protected Cropping courses are a key education and training component of National Vegetable Protected Cropping Centre, jointly funded by Horticulture Innovation and Western Sydney University.
Students are eligible to apply for one of the 65 scholarships (up to $5,000 each) and internships (up to $17,500 each).
For more information about studying this course, and information on the scholarships available, please contact Professor Zhonghua Chen on 0466 544 696 or at z.chen@westernsydney.edu.au, or visit this website.