Young guns join WA grower group to revitalise veg production
27 January 2021
Podcasts: Controlled traffic farming with Harvest Moon, Tasmania
2 February 2021Victoria’s Werribee South vegetable growing region faces a range of production challenges, particularly when it comes to soil health.
Read this case study from a demonstration site as part of the Soil Wealth ICP project, which is investigating ways to improve crop resilience and measure the impact of compost, gypsum and soluble calcium on salinity, sodicity effects on crops and overall soil health.
The growers and agronomists involved in this trial said it has resulted in improved crop yield and quality, and provided a great use of resources to target a major issue specific to Werribee South.
This resource has been produced by the Hort Innovation-funded Soil Wealth and ICP project – jointly delivered by RM Consulting Group and Applied Horticultural Research.