Fact sheet: Pink rot
26 October 2021
Hort Innovation releases 2020/21 Company Report and Fund Reports
26 October 2021Year Published
Project Provider
Applied Horticultural Research, RMCG
Plant nutrition must be tailored to each vegetable crop and growing conditions to ensure plants are healthy, productive and profitable.
The Soil Wealth ICP team has produced a range of fact sheets on specific elements for growers to consider in its nutrition management plans. Topics include:
Soil phosphorus: The basics.
Nitrate field test.
Labile carbon.
Getting soil pH right: Lime quality and application rates.
Managing salinity in vegetable crops.
Managing sodicity in vegetable crops.
Making the most of your nitrogen.
These resources have been delivered as part of the Hort Innovation-funded Soil Wealth and ICP project – jointly delivered by RM Consulting Group and Applied Horticultural Research.
Fact sheet
On-farm and crop management