AUSVEG trials new channel to encourage consumers to #EatMoreAusVeg
18 August 2020
Catching up with… Sarah Corcoran
24 August 2020If you missed out on attending the industry-funded 2020 East Gippsland Vegetable Innovation Days (EGVID) in May, a library of professional videos produced from the event is hosted here on the AUSVEG website.
Spread across two hectares in Lindenow, Victoria, the expansive in-field EGVID grow site featured over 1,500 long and short cycle vegetable lines including lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, baby spinach leaf, kale and celery, as well as a number of different herbs.
The suite of videos capture valuable data, learnings, insights and in-depth discussion about varieties, agricultural chemical and fertiliser trials, and microbial and biostimulant products. These are accompanied by virtual tours of individual company plots, creating a valuable reference point that will be available for many years to come.
The evergreen online content showcases collaborations with key industry stakeholders to highlight innovation, food security, sustainability, future farmers and well-being.
The user-friendly interface allows you to search the videos by crop, seed company, crop input demo and by description.
The 2020 event was sponsored by Hort Innovation, Corteva, Agriculture Victoria, East Gippsland Shire Council and AusIndustry. The production of the videos has been made possible thanks to the support of the Victorian Farmers’ Federation, OneHavest, Nufarm, East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority, Enza Zaden, AgCo, Boomaroo and Grolink.
Click here to start browsing the EGVID 2020 videos on the AUSVEG website.