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7 September 2021
The future of integrated weed management in vegetable farming
7 September 2021Year Published
Project Provider
Applied Horticultural Research, RMCG
Are you struggling to regain control over chemical-resistant pests?
The Soil Wealth ICP project developed a series of fact sheets to help vegetable growers manage mega pests.
They include:
- Basics of protecting your crop – adopting integrated crop protection (ICP) and the key components of an ICP program, management options available and other helpful resources.
- Managing major chewing and biting insects – information on corn earworm, native budworm and diamondback moth, using beneficial organisms and biopesticides and a case study on managing corn earworm in Queensland.
- Managing sucking pests – information and steps for managing sucking pests such as thrips, whiteflies, aphids, mites and bugs, using specific predators and parasitoids and a case study on managing western flower thrips and tomato spotted wilt virus in capsicums.
Fact sheet
Pests diseases and biosecurity