Why are beneficial biological organisms important in soil for vegetable crops?
27 July 2021
Using drones to generate farm insights – drone basics and operations including weed mapping
2 August 2021In this webinar series, three horticultural industry experts discuss farm biosecurity pathways and provide pest and disease updates for the Gippsland region. Zali Mahony from AUSVEG presents on farm pest and disease risk pathway reduction.
Maddy Quirk from AUSVEG provides an update on serpentine leafminer and other exotic leafminers for the Gippsland region. Vegetable leafminer is present in the Torres Strait Islands and Seisia, Cape York Peninsula (QLD), whereas serpentine leafminer was detected in parts of New South Wales and Queensland in 2020 and deemed unable to be eradicated.
American serpentine leafminer has recently been detected in northern Australia. Kyla Finlay from Agriculture Victoria presents on fall armyworm and preparedness in advance of summer.