Final report: National Workshop On The Registration Of Pesticides For Use On Vegetables And Other Minor Crops
21 January 1999To ensure that the agrichemical needs of the vegetable sector are accurately recorded and understood, AUSVEG is coordinating the Vegetable Agrichemical Pest Management Needs and Priorities (VG16060) project, a strategic levy investment under the Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund.
The project’s objective is to coordinate vegetable industry agrichemical pest needs by identifying and prioritising potential gaps through implementation of an effective prioritisation process for the vegetable industry.
As part of this project, a 2019 Crop-Specific Survey has been developed by AUSVEG and Hort Innovation to capture the vegetable industry’s main pests, disease and weed issues.
We ask growers and agronomists to get involved and to please take the time (10 min/survey) to fill in these crop-specific surveys. Pest priorities identified will inform industry actions at the annual AgChem Collaborative Forum, aid in updating industry Strategic Agrichemical Review Process documents (SARPs) and identify potential solutions to address these gaps.
Surveys for the following crops close this week:
Surveys Close 26 July 2019
The priority agrichemical gaps identified will inform industry actions at the annual AgChem Collaborative Forum, aid in updating industry Strategic Agrichemical Review Process documents (SARPs) and identify potential solutions to address these gaps.
Please click on the banner below to choose from the list of crop-specific surveys.