Targeting insects using novel inhibitors of development and physiology
8 July 2015Australian hydroponic & greenhouse industry national conference 2009
21 July 2015There is a large and growing demand for premium vegetables amongst China’s growing middle class The 3 tier one cities (Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing) alone have a population of 56m people, of whom roughly 1/3 have an income similar to average Australians Of these, Guangzhou is the smallest market, but may be easiest to address due to its proximity to Hong Kong, which enables easier market access In these cities the Premium Packaged vegetable segment, which is addressable by Australian producers, was at least 400kT in 2012 (cf Australian market ~4mT) – and is growing very rapidly (forecast to be >1.6mT by F18) Modern Channels, such as Hypermarkets and Premium Retail, are addressable by Australian producers, and are steadily replacing traditional wet markets