Disease prevention essential as wetter conditions predicted
22 December 2020Industry Biosecurity Plan for the Vegetable Industry V3.2
1 January 2021To ensure its future viability and sustainability, it is important that the Australian potato industry, represented by AUSVEG as the peak industry body, minimises the risks posed by exotic pests and responds effectively to plant pest threats. This plan is a framework to coordinate biosecurity activities and investment for Australia’s potato industry. It provides a mechanism for industry, governments, and stakeholders to better prepare for and respond to, incursions of pests that could have significant impacts on the potato industry/ It identifies and prioritises exotic plant pests (not currently present in Australia) and established pests of biosecurity concern, and focus on future biosecurity challenges.
The Biosecurity Plan for the Potato Industry was developed in consultation with the Technical Expert Group (TEG) and Biosecurity Implementation Group (BIG), which consisted of plant health and biosecurity experts and industry representatives. These groups were coordinated by Plant Health Australia(PHA) and included representatives from AUSVEG, relevant state and territory agriculture agencies and PHA.