From cover crop to cash crop: Managing residues in veg production
23 March 2021
Incentive payment to encourage Queenslanders to take up farm work
23 March 2021Project Code
Sclerotinia is a soil-borne fungal disease that causes significant crop damage and yield loss in various horticultural crops. Many would recognise the signs of sclerotinia.
Infected plants show white fluffy mycelium and soft rot, giving the disease its common names: white mould, white rot and lettuce drop.
In this ‘Ask the industry’ column, which features in Vegetables Australia – Autumn 2021, Syngenta Technical Services Lead – Horticulture and Viticulture Dr Belinda (Brandy) Rawnsley discusses sclerotinia and what vegetable growers can do to minimise the impact that this soil-borne fungal disease has on their crops.
Click here to read more.
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