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30 June 2020
COVID-19 trade impact on fresh vegetable exports
30 June 2020As growers battle the increasingly problematic issue of salinity on-farm, a four-part winter webinar series is now available, which outlines key information and resources to help manage salinity and its effect on potato and vegetable production across Australia.
The webinar series, delivered in partnership with the Soil Wealth ICP team and AUSVEG SA, communicates the key findings of a three-year Hort Innovation-funded project, Impact of groundwater quality on the management of centre-pivot-grown potato crops (PT16001), coordinated by E.E. Muir & Sons, trading as Serve-Ag.
The project examined the impact of groundwater quality on the management of potato crops grown under centre pivot in South Australia.
Click the following links to view the webinars:
- Part 1: Monitoring for improved management
- Part 2: Know your salts to better manage potato nutrition
- Part 3: Managing hydrophobic soils in potato production
- Part 4: Organic soil amendments, biologicals and biostimulants