New video investigates integrated pest management in potato and veg industries
23 August 2018
Chemical handling workshops returning to Tasmania thanks to VegPRO
27 August 2018Australian potato growers can keep up-to-date with all the latest news from our domestic industry and around the world in the new edition of Potatoes Australia, the levy-funded magazine for the Australian potato industry.
The August/September 2018 edition of the magazine hit mailboxes around the country last week and is now available online through the publications section of our website!
This edition features a huge range of industry news and research and developments updates, including a great feature on the World Potato Congress filed by Good Fruit and Vegetables Editor Ashley Walmsley. Ashley travelled to Peru for the Congress with assistance from the Crawford Fund and with financial support from the DFAT Council on Australia Latin America Relations, and he brought back some eye-opening insights about the issues affecting the potato industry worldwide.
We’ve also got an enlightening profile on Jessica Page, entomologist with IPM Technologies and 2018 AUSVEG Researcher of the Year. Jessica has spent over 20 years working closely with potato and vegetable growers to reduce insecticide use and improve control of insect pests by using integrated pest management (IPM) practices, and in the interview she gives us some great insights into IPM and the role of women in agriculture.
Beyond these great features, we’ve also got a detailed analysis of effective management of Spongospora root diseases, a recap of Hort Connections 2018, and a great profile on New South Wales grower Chris Gibbins.
Head over to the publications section of our website to take a look at this new edition of Potatoes Australia or check out the archives of all our industry publications!
If you’re interested in receiving hard copies of Potatoes Australia, which is free thanks to levy investment by Hort Innovation, e-mail us at communications@ausveg.com.au with your contact details.
Photo reprinted with permission from Good Fruit and Vegetables.
This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 28 August 2018. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!