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1 October 2018Hort Innovation is the not-for-profit, grower-owned research, development (R&D) and marketing company for Australia’s $9 billion horticulture industry.
As part of the role it plays for Australian horticulture, Hort Innovation is tasked by the Australian Government with the oversight and management of levy investment programs for various sectors within the industry – including the commodities that pay the vegetable levy.
The Vegetable Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2022 (SIP) was created to provide a roadmap that guides this oversight and management and lay the foundation for Hort Innovation’s investment decision-making, and was developed through a process of consultation with industry.
In the latest edition of InfoVeg TV, AUSVEG spoke with Greg Spinks from CIS, who developed the SIP for Hort Innovation.
In the interview, he took us through the details of the SIP – from how CIS spoke with growers to find the industry’s key priorities to the benefits that the plan aims to deliver to our industry through levy investment.
Take a look at the video below to learn more about how this important plan is setting the path for industry investment in the coming years.
This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 02 October 2018. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!