Delivering value during trying times
4 November 2020
Catching up with… Lachlan Chilman
4 November 2020Today, CSIRO released Australia’s Biosecurity Future: Unlocking the next decade of resilience, a new report created in partnership with Plant Health Australia, Animal Health Australia, and the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions.
The report says that while Australia has one of the world’s strongest biosecurity systems it won’t cope with increasing challenges fuelled by global trade and travel, urbanisation, climate change, biodiversity loss and antimicrobial resistance.
As a result, Australia is at risk of increased disease outbreaks and pest incursions, weakened exports, and damage to our global trading reputation unless our biosecurity system becomes more resilient, coordinated and collaborative.
To address this, the report identifies 20 recommendations across three themes to shift the trajectory for Australia’s biosecurity future.
You can read and download the report on the CSIRO website.