Adoption of soil moisture monitoring in sweet corn
12 January 2021
Pathogen DNA testing for soilborne diseases
12 January 2021Fruit and vegetable crop losses across the country as a direct result of ongoing labour shortages have continued to mount over the festive season, and have now topped $38 million.
The National Lost Crop Register was launched in mid-December to capture the true cost to industry and the national economy from a lack of seasonal workers available to harvest fresh fruits and vegetables.
A total of 55 growers from five separate states and territories have anonymously reported their losses to date. A wide array of crops are represented on the Register, including berries, tomatoes, carrots, citrus, bananas, pumpkins, chilli and leafy green vegetables.
As outlined in this Growcom media release, two individual reports – from one fruit grower and one vegetable grower – have exceeded $10 million.
AUSVEG is urging growers to continue to fill out the National Lost Crop Register survey to help with our ongoing advocacy surrounding labour.
The evidence gathered through this national register as this issue unfolds will enable us to inform decision-making and improve our ability to advocate for greater government intervention where necessary. All responses are entered anonymously.
The Register will ask for crop, value and location details, including postcodes. You are encouraged to make multiple entries to the register over time as new losses are realised.
Click here to submit your details.