New project: Parasitoids for the management of fruit flies in Australia
19 May 2020
Farm biosecurity resources for farm workers in Australia
19 May 2020It’s important for growers to understand the positive role native parasitoid wasps play in controlling biosecurity threats in Australian vegetable and nursery production regions.
Click here to view a video, where Dr Elia Pirtle discusses how native parasitoid wasps may have the potential to act as tiny biosecurity officers for the vegetable leafminer (Liriomyza sativae), in episode four of cesar‘s DoorstepScience educational series.
DoorstepScience series draws on current and past research at cesar and was created to deliver scientific topics in agriculture, biosecurity and conservation to the viewer in engaging bite sized pieces.
The Hort Innovation-funded RD&E Program for control, eradication and preparedness for vegetable leafminer is a collaboration between cesar (project lead), the University of Melbourne, Plant Health Australia, the Northern Australia Quarantine Strategy (NAQS) and AUSVEG.