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15 September 2020
AUSVEG advocacy activities
15 September 2020The Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority, with the support of the VegNET Victoria (South- East, West and Northern) team, is working with growers in the Werribee area to establish three native vegetations insectaries (NVIs) to showcase the benefits on and off-farm.
NVIs are vegetated areas of flowering plants that can provide habitat and a nectar food source for beneficial insects.
As VegNET Regional Development Officer Hugh Wardle provides reports in this article, this can support biological control of insect pests and reduce damage to vegetable crops.
Click here to read more.
VegNET – Victoria (South-East, West and Northern) is a strategic levy investment under the Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund.
This article is appearing in the Spring 2020 edition of Vegetables Australia. The full publication will be released shortly, so keep an eye on your mailbox!