Valuable data to be captured from East Gippsland Vegetable Innovation Days
21 April 2020
John Deere’s commitment to the Australian vegetable industry
21 April 2020Growcom has launched a new national campaign, Eat Yourself to Health, encouraging Australians to ‘Eat Up and Branch Out’.
As part of the Eat Yourself to Health campaign, individual growers will be challenging consumers to their own unique COVID Cooking Challenge, encouraging creativity in the kitchen with fresh produce — while highlighting how the product’s nutrients and vitamins can boost one’s immune system.
Whether it’s a short video or a photo with text, here are some of the key elements that growers are including in their COVID Cooking Challenges:
- State who you are, your farm and location.
- Invite audience to Eat Yourself to Health with the fruit, vegetable or nut you’re currently harvesting. Bonus points for any nutritional information!
- Issue your COVID Cooking Challenge that makes use of the crop you’ve introduced at step two. It could be using the crop in an unusual way or adding a twist to a classic recipe.
- Share your post on your own Facebook or Instagram page and tag the campaign @eatyourselftohealthau and use the hashtag #EatYourselfToHealth.
A website has been established with a variety of resources and information for consumers, including ready-made social media graphics, on how to boost their health through increased intake of fruits, vegetables and nuts.
Join the conversation today via on Facebook and Instagram at @eatyourselftohealthau or by using the hashtag #EatYourselfToHealth.
Click here to view the website.