National workshops to help growers get ready for HARPS
26 February 2018
Free webinar to help growers understand Hort Code compliance needs
26 February 2018Biopesticides are a diverse group of pest control products based on naturally occurring biochemicals, minerals and microbes. They generally have very low toxicity to humans and are sustainable with minimal environmental impacts, and many can be used in organic production.
Biopesticides often require a good understanding of pests and diseases to be used effectively. Importantly, they help to manage (rather than completely control) pests. Biopesticides are therefore best used in an integrated approach rather than as simple replacements for conventional pesticides.
The levy-funded Integrated Crop Protection (ICP) project has produced a new fact sheet on biopesticides and their use in Australia. Read the fact sheet to find out more about plant extracts, microbial pesticides, natural chemicals/minerals and biochemicals, including their availability, application, developments, challenges, advantages and disadvantages.
Don’t forget that the Soil Wealth and ICP projects have now moved to a new phase of delivery, responding to increasing demands on growers. If you’re interested in accessing resources from the previous phase of the project with valuable information about soil health and crop protection, the project team has also created a comprehensive summary of all Soil Wealth and ICP resources and where to find them.
This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 27 February 2018.