Learn more about exotic leafminers with this new video!
13 October 2020
Catching up with… Maddy Quirk
20 October 2020Vegenotes is a technical publication that is released alongside Vegetables Australia magazine. Each edition presents the main findings of two vegetable levy-funded research projects to give growers both technical and practical information to encourage better uptake of research outcomes.
Vegenotes 78 has a focus on knowledge gained during international development missions and tours.
Led by AUSVEG, Project VG15703 funded a two-week study tour for 11 emerging young leaders in the Australian vegetable industry to visit major vegetable growing regions on New Zealand’s North Island and California to learn about the latest innovations and farm practices.
Vegenotes 78 also details Project VG17004 — a week-long tour of the Spanish spinach industry facilitated by East Gippsland Vegetable Innovation Days (EGVID) Directors Stuart Grigg and Andrew Bulmer.
VG15703 and VG17004 were strategic levy investments under the Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund.
Click here to read the latest online edition of Vegenotes.