Postcard from the VegDoctor: Insights into European vegetable retail and production
26 March 2018
VegNET workshop gives growers hands-on experience in pest surveillance
2 April 2018Autumn is a great time to plan your winter cover crops and how this best fits in with your rotations.
To help you pick the best winter cover crop for your needs, the Soil Wealth/ICP project has released a new fact sheet breaking down some of the most common soil management goals and matching them to specific crops.
This fact sheet provides useful tips and tools on how winter cover crops can help you:
- Build soil structure
- Add cheap nitrogen
- Recover and store left-over fertiliser
- Control soil pests and disease
- Protect the soil from wind and water erosion
For more information or to view the fact sheet, click through to the Soil Wealth website. The site also includes a huge range of other fact sheets on crop management, pest and disease management, and soil, nutrition and compost, so explore the rest of the site to see if it can help you improve your business’ productivity in other ways, too!
This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 27 March 2018.