Fact sheet: What you need to know about soil microbiology
24 November 2020
Serpentine leafminer detection in NSW and QLD
24 November 2020Tools and interventions for increasing children’s vegetable knowledge – VegKIT (VG16064) is a strategic levy investment under the Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund, and its aim is clear: to increase the vegetable intake of Australian children.
VegKIT project partners CSIRO, Flinders University and Nutrition Australia are excited to share with you eight new best practice USER GUIDES.
The VegKIT USER GUIDES are evidence-based, easy to understand, practical guides that have been expertly developed for the many settings that can influence vegetable intake, including:
- Long day care centres.
- Primary schools.
- Out-of-school hours care (OSHC).
- Government.
- Research institutes.
- Industry.
You can download the VegKIT USER GUIDES from the refurbished website vegkit.com.au.
Health and nutrition