Meet Hort Innovation’s Regional Extension team: Jane Wightman
14 April 2021
Meet Hort Innovation’s Regional Extension team: Jay Cummins
20 April 2021As part of a Hort Innovation levy-funded project ‘Onion Industry Export Strategy’ (VN20003) strategic planning consultancy McKINNA et al has created a strategic five-year export plan 2021-2026 for the Australian onion industry.
The Export Strategy was developed following a detailed market and competitor analysis, known as the Market Mapping Report with leading onion exporters and marketers also included in the consultation.
The project has resulted in two key outcomes:
1) a clear understanding of which export markets offer growth opportunities and;
2) industry consensus on export development and growth priority activities and investments
It is estimated that there are less than 10 major grower/exporters in Australia that produce the bulk of Australia’s export onions. Tasmania, South Australia, and Western Australia are producing 97 per cent of the export volume, with Tasmanian onions accounting for 52 per cent of the total export trade.