Compost and reduced irrigation trial
18 February 2020
Have your say on measures to manage high-risk horticulture
18 February 2020Project Code
For over 30 years, Carmel Ingram has worked alongside her husband Keith to manage the packhouse operation at Bonaccord Ingram, one of Victoria’s largest vegetable growing operations.
Carmel was recognised for her contribution to the horticulture industry when she received the Boomaroo Nurseries Women in Horticulture award at Hort Connections 2019.
Leading a team fluctuating from 65 to 160, Carmel believes that teamwork and communication are key elements to managing challenges, especially during the peak production season.
Read Carmel Ingram’s profile, which first appeared in Summer 2019/20 edition of Vegetables Australia magazine.
Grower profile