TPP control for commercial growers – APVMA permits
4 July 2018
Chemical control for TPP – Domestic use options
4 July 2018Project Code
Year Published
Project Provider
Plant Health Australia, AUSVEG
If you grow potatoes this manual is designed for you and your staff, as well as contractors, researchers and consultants working in the industry. It outlines simple procedures that can be used to minimise the risk of introducing and spreading pests, diseases or weeds on-farm.
You have an important role to play in protecting your farm, your region and the potato industry from biosecurity threats.
The key points in this manual which you should pay particular attention to as a potato grower include:
- Transport is a high risk activity, therefore focus on truck movements on and off your
farm. Start by reading through pages 9–13 (People, vehicles and equipment). - Complete the Biosecurity Checklist (especially People, vehicles and equipment).
- Develop a plan that sets out how you’re going to implement actions to address gaps in
your biosecurity preparedness. - Download a visitor register from the AUSVEG website or farmbiosecurity.com.au and
use it to log all visits to your property. - Familiarise yourself with the pests on pages 36–52. You may need to refer to these if
you find a pest or disease you don’t recognise. - Report anything unusual without delay on 1800 084 881.
Activities in this manual apply at different points during the growing season:
- Cultivation – People, vehicles and equipment (page 9)
- Planting – Farm inputs (page 14); People, vehicles and equipment (page 9)
- Spraying – Farm inputs (page 14); People, vehicles and equipment (page 9)
- Harvest – Farm outputs (page 20); People, vehicles and equipment (page 9)
- Year-round – Production practices (page 16); Train, plan and record (page 24); Feral animals and weeds (page 22).
Fact sheet
User guide
Pests diseases and biosecurity
International trade and markets