New fall armyworm project
23 March 2021
Quick Q&A with… Barbara Hall
24 March 2021The Syngenta Grower of the Year award recognises outstanding achievement across all aspects of horticultural production, including growing, environmental management, staff management and quality of produce.
It also acknowledges grower commitment to innovation and advancing the Australian horticulture industry.
In Vegetables Australia – Autumn 2021, past winners including Western Australian sweet corn and beans producer, Jim Trandos, chat with AUSVEG’s Michelle De’Lisle about the award and its significance.
Click here to read Jim’s story.
The Syngenta Grower of the Year award will feature again in 2021 at the National Awards for Excellence, which will be held at Hort Connections in June.
To nominate yourself or someone you know for this award or any other categories listed on the website, please click here.