Chris Pham: Next generation in the Top End
23 January 2017The Effects of Using Anhydrous Ammonia to Supply Nitrogen to Vegetable Crops
2 February 2017Certified seed potatoes underpin the multi-million dollar national potato industry including the increasing seed potato export sector. Since 2013, the Australian National Standard for Certification of Australian Seed Potatoes has been managed by the Australian Seed Potato Council (ASPC) which comprises the four respective State-based seed potato Certification Authorities. While the four state-based Standards have been regularly updated, the Australian National Standard has not been formally updated for some time (2007). Additionally, the National Standard did not include the requirements for minituber certification. To review and update the Australian National Standard, a comprehensive review of existing relevant background documents was undertaken (including the previous National Standard, the various Statebased Standards and the international (UNECE) Standard), significant industry consultation conducted (including a major industry workshop), along with industry feedback on a revised draft version before a final updated version of the Australian National Standard for Certification of Australian Seed Potatoes was submitted to Hort Innovation in November, 2016. It is attached to this Final Report.