Hort Innovation seeking industry feedback on prometryn minor use permit
12 October 2018Navigating the wealth of soil health information and identification of opportunities
15 October 2018AUSVEG SA will be holding a field walk through one of a levy-funded project’s Integrated Pest Management (IPM) trials on Thursday 8 November as part of this Australia-first program.
Attendees will be able to see how local grower Daniel Hoffman has implemented IPM on his farm with support of local advisors and find out how he’s managing pests and diseases using IPM principles.
Daniel has been a leader in adopting IPM principles in his business and has adopted a number of low-cost initiatives which lead to better resistance management and effective control.
Time/date: 4:00pm-5:00pm, Thursday 8 November 2018
Location: Lot 20 Andrews Road, Penfield SA
This is a great chance to see how IPM pest management techniques have been successfully applied in a greenhouse growing operation, as well as to learn more about the project from interstate IPM experts, local agronomists and growers involved in the trial.
Over the past two years AUSVEG SA has partnered with IPM Technologies and Hort Innovation to deliver this program, which assists local growers to adopt IPM practices in their businesses. The program has involved upskilling local resellers and advisors in IPM production practices and helping them to establish trials with their client growers.
AUSVEG SA encourages any interested growers to come along to this event to learn more about this project and opportunities to work with local advisors to implement IPM in their businesses.
To register to attend, please contact the AUSVEG SA office on 0404 772 308 or email ausvegsa@ausveg.com.au.
This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 16 October 2018. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!