New project conducting field-based testing for fall armyworm
1 June 2021
Graduate Diploma in Protected Cropping
10 June 2021The iMapPESTS team has recently deployed Sentinel 6 (see image above) to a location near Toowoomba where we are trialling its capacity to monitor the serpentine leafminer, Liriomyza huidobrensis.
The unit will be on display at the Lockyer Valley Growers Expo before commencing a trial in the Lockyer Valley region over the transition from winter to spring.
Results from the scoping trial in Toowoomba will be presented at the serpentine leafminer drop-in session running on Sunday 6 June, at the same location as the Lockyer Valley Growers Expo.
As Sentinel 6 is monitoring serpentine leafminer, Sentinel 5 is on its way to Hort Connections, where the unit is being showcased to the horticulture industry ahead of its first in-field trial in Tamworth, New South Wales.
Visit the iMapPESTS booth at the Hort Connections Trade Show to chat with the researchers behind the cutting-edge technology and find out where the suite of mobile surveillance units are headed over the next 12 months.
For more information, head to the iMapPESTS website.
- This project is supported by Hort Innovation through funding from the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment as part of its Rural R&D for Profit Program and funding from 16 partner organisations.
- Project Number: ST16010