2019 Nuffield Scholarship applications now open
16 April 2018Market opportunity for vegetable juices
16 April 2018A two-day series of workshops and field days is being coordinated for growers in the Carnarvon region of Western Australia who want to learn more about managing soilborne diseases in their vegetable crops.
Hosted by vegetablesWA as part of the VegNET program, these events will feature Dr Doris Blaesing (RMCG) and Dr Len Tesoriero (NSW DPI) delivering two workshops and undertaking field visits to cover some of the most common diseases affecting growers in the region.
Time/date: Monday 30 April 2018 (workshops) and Tuesday 1 May 2018 (field visits)
Location: TBC in Carnarvon
The two workshops will provide information for Vietnamese-speaking growers in the morning, and English-speaking growers in the afternoon. The field days will cover disease issues like nematodes, fusarium, bacterial canker, phytophthora and sclerotinia. For more information, see the Soil Wealth website.
If you’d like to register your interest in attending the workshops and/or field days, contact vegetablesWA Industry Development Officer Sam Grubisa on 0427 373 037 or at sam.grubisa@vegetableswa.com.au.
Growers in southern WA who are interested in hearing from Dr Blaesing and Dr Tesoriero can attend the vegetablesWA Leafy Variety Trial day being held on Thursday 3 May.
This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 17 April 2018. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!