Advanced Stable Fly Management for Vegetable Producers
4 April 2019
Fine-tuning nitrogen applications in potato crops
4 April 2019It was identified by the vegetable industry that biosecurity and related technical issues are areas where the
industry requires appropriate expertise to respond to, and engage with, governments and various plant
health bodies. Prior to commencement of the Biosecurity Advisor role in 2011, this lack of expertise was a
significant weakness in the vegetable industry’s technical capacity. VG15020 provided for AUSVEG’s
continued industry representation in a range of forums, such as the Consultative Committee on Emergency
Plant Pests (CCEPP), and at various biosecurity-related meetings facilitated by the Australian Government.
The project also allowed the industry to provide input into Biosecurity Import Risk Analyses (BIRAs) and state
biosecurity policies, assist in the development of plant pest contingency plans, and provide input into
endemic pest control issues, including the maintenance of existing trade. In addition, the role permitted
AUSVEG to participate in various Plant Health Australia (PHA) working groups and other matters surrounding
the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed (EPPRD).
Following the initial appointment of the Biosecurity Advisor in 2012 (VG11013), AUSVEG has engaged widely
with industry, government and plant health bodies on biosecurity issues. Through this greater technical
capacity and more comprehensive level of engagement, AUSVEG has had stronger and more robust
representation at PHA meetings, in various working groups, at emergency plant pest response meetings and
in ongoing communications with government bodies and departments such as Biosecurity Australia, PHA and
the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources.n during the trials included capsicum, chilli, and leafy greens.