Leafminer Management Guide
14 February 2020Compost and reduced irrigation trial
18 February 2020Following ongoing collaborative work between AUSVEG and Plant Health Committee (PHC), a new communique has been released on the movement of processing and ware potatoes in the event of a tomato potato psyllid (TPP) detection in the eastern states.
The communique outlines the journey that has taken place since the arrival of TPP in Western Australia and the possible implications of TPP spreading within Australia or a further detection of TPP from overseas in another state.
Through the risk workshop with industry and state jurisdictions, potential hazard points were identified and addressed primarily through current industry practice.
Armed with this knowledge the PHC members gained a level of comfort that “Appropriate Levels of Protection (ALOP)” were achieved, hence the movement of potato tubers for ware and processing will occur across state borders to ensure business continuity.
In addition with the respective state and territory jurisdictions delivering an independent national TPP surveillance program, the opportunity exists for growers to monitor their crops using traps for TPP without fearing economic loss, through regulatory measures.
International experience demonstrates that monitoring for TPP, greatly enhances growers’ ability to effectively manage in-field infestations of TPP and successfully reduces the impact of CLso in potato plants.