Bee biosecurity masterclass focuses on varroa mite
5 November 2018
AUSVEG SA holding a pest issues “walk and talk” workshop
5 November 2018On Friday 26 October 2018, AUSVEG staff attended a vegetable grower meeting held by AUSVEG Strategic Partner Bayer at Fresh Select in Werribee South. The event included presentations from Dr Paul Horne of IPM Technologies, as well as Bayer representatives on new developments in label use for chemicals on vegetable crops.
The afternoon commenced with a presentation by Alistair Beyer (Bayer) on Movento. Beyer’s presentation explained that Movento is now registered for diamondback moth management in brassicas, in addition to its current registration for control of sucking pests.
Dr Paul Horne (IPM Technologies) then discussed Movento in the context of resistance management, affirming the importance of maintaining healthy beneficial insect populations and taking an approach to pest control that integrates biological, cultural and chemical practices. IPM Technologies is currently delivering a levy-funded project looking at the impact of pesticides on populations of beneficials to help growers better implement an integrated approach – for more, see our article here.
The third speaker, Troy Mulcahy (Bayer) noted that Infinito fungicide is soon to be registered for the control of white blister in brassica vegetables and downy mildew in leafy vegetables, while the fourth and final speaker, Keith Fallow (Bayer), discussed Serenade Prime, a beneficial bacteria that colonises actively growing roots and enables better uptake of water and nutrients.
For more information on Bayer Crop Science, the division of Bayer that produces crop protection options for the horticulture industry, please see its website.
This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 7 November 2018. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!