Vegetable Industry Market Access and Development Program
17 July 2017
Greg Humfrey: Adjusting to change to create a viable business
9 August 2017Short Summary
This project created eight short video clips for use on YouTube, other social media applications or web sites. The video clips provide practical examples and training in the use of the “VegWHS” carrot-shaped USB resource.
Year Published
Project Provider
This project created eight short video clips for use on YouTube, other social media applications or web sites. The video clips provide practical examples and training in the use of the “VegWHS” carrot-shaped USB resource. VegWHS is the Workplace Health and Safety system developed for use in the vegetable industry by a previous project (VG13053).
The video resources will enable growers to access training at their convenience in a simple format (video), provide a low-cost training outcome to the industry and extract additional value and adoption of the VegWHS resource.
Project report
Industry development and communication
Training and education