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5 July 2021Victorian potato grower Xavier Toohey has been presented with the Corteva Agriscience Young Grower of the Year award at the Hort Connections 2021 National Awards for Excellence Gala Dinner in Brisbane on Wednesday 9 June.
The Corteva Agriscience Young Grower of the Year award is presented to a fresh produce grower and future leader in horticulture who champions the success of the industry and shows a commitment to innovation to help inspire the next generation of growers. The award winner demonstrates a high level of commitment to the industry and helps to enrich their community.
Corteva Agriscience is the only major agriscience company completely dedicated to agriculture. By combining the strengths of DuPont Pioneer, DuPont Crop Protection and Dow AgroSciences, Corteva harnesses agriculture’s brightest minds and expertise gained over two centuries of scientific achievement.
Xavier Toohey was also the winner of the 2021 Visy AUSVEG VIC Young Grower of the Year earlier in the year.
“Xavier is a deeply passionate potato grower who has demonstrated significant skill and acumen to grow his business to increase the scale of his potato production, which has added flow-on benefits to the local community,” said outgoing AUSVEG CEO James Whiteside.
“He is an active member of his local community and readily imparts his knowledge to other local growers to help them improve their growing practices and grow their own businesses.”
“Xavier has adopted technologies and processes on his farm to reduce his energy and water consumption, and has a strong focus on improving soil health, reducing the risk of pests and using cropping techniques that have produced yields of up to 10-20 per cent above district averages.”
“I congratulate Xavier on his award and his commitment to improving his business and his local industry. The Australian horticulture industry needs more young people involved, and it is important that we recognise the achievements of young growers such as Xavier to ensure we foster our next generation of leaders.”
Corteva Agriscience Marketing Manager for Horticulture & Insecticides, Nick Koch, said it was a thrill to announce Xavier Toohey as the 2021 Young Grower of the Year.
“Xavier’s tenacity and enthusiasm for producing potatoes are incredible. He’s just the sort of passionate grower our industry needs,” Mr Koch said.
“At a time when other people were leaving the potato industry, Xavier committed to it and invested in it. He now has two farms, and it’s a real credit to him.”
Mr Koch said what made Xavier’s achievements more impressive is the fact he has developed his business rapidly with limited external support.
“Not only has he built a successful and sustainable business in a short space of time, but he’s done it off his own steam,” he said.
“A lot of young people have help to get them started in farming, but Xavier did it on his own through sheer hard work and determination. He is also stepping up and taking leadership at an industry level, which is fantastic.”
“The Young Grower of the Year Award is about our industry recognising exceptional young growers like Xavier.”

E.E. Muir and Sons Sales Manager Heinrich Van Der Westhuizen (accepting the award on behalf of Xavier Toohey) with Corteva Agriscience Marketing Manager Nick Koch. Photography by Andrew Beveridge.
Nominees for the 2021 Corteva Agriscience Young Grower of the Year award
- Anthony De Ieso (SA)
- Caitlin Radford (TAS)
- Christina Kelman (NSW)
- Jake Ryan (WA)
- Jake Shadbolt (VIC)
- Jason Dobra (WA)
- Kane Busch (VIC)
- Marlon Motlop (SA)
- Matthew Griggs (TAS)
- Mitchell East (WA)
- Renee Pye (SA)
- Samuel Spirli (VIC)
- Vanstone Produce (QLD)
- Xavier Toohey (VIC)
Find out more
A full list of 2021 National Awards for Excellence winners can be found in Potatoes Australia – Winter 2021, which will be released in July and Vegetables Australia – Spring 2021, to be published in September.
Cover image: Xavier Toohey. Image courtesy of Corteva Agriscience.