Serpentine Leafminer Factsheet
21 December 2020
Exporting vegetable growers continue to trade through COVID
22 December 2020Integrated weed management (IWM) is vital for getting on top of weed problems in vegetable production. It involves combining all appropriate weed control options in a coordinated, supportive and flexible way.
A key outcome of effective IWM in vegetable production is the reduction of the weed seed bank (the number of viable weed seeds present in the soil) to ensure that the weed burden is minimised.
In this webinar recording by Applied Horticultural Research, weed teams from University of New England and Soil Wealth will discuss the findings from their Hort Innovation-funded project A strategic approach to weed management for the Australian vegetable industry (VG15070).
To view more information and resources relating to the webinar, click here.