Final report: Improved Protein Bait Formulations for Fruit Fly Control
11 November 2003Integrated Viral Disease Management in Vegetable Crops
24 August 2012Project Code
Short Summary
This project was established to develop fresh, functional and flavoursome vegetables with known health benefits.
Year Published
Project Provider
The Vitalvegetables project was established to develop fresh, functional and flavoursome vegetables with known health benefits. Key features of the approach to product development management and technology transfer/commercialisation were reviewed in detail. The review identified and led to the implementation of the following improvements: Adoption of a phase/gate process to manage product development, Risk reduction for industry partners and automated workflow to support commercialisation, Development of a process to provide pipeline of ‘science stories’ to support adoption, Expanding the offering for the roll out in the US while placing the expansion into Asia on hold.
Project report
Health and nutrition
Industry data and insights
Market development
Added Value