Learn how your potato levy is invested with new InfoVeg TV video
15 April 2018
2019 Nuffield Scholarship applications now open
16 April 2018Western Australian growers in the south of the state who are looking to learn more about managing problem soilborne diseases in their vegetable crops are encouraged to attend the vegetablesWA Leafy Variety Trial day, which will also see the WA launch of Phase 2 of the levy-funded Soil Wealth/ICP projects.
Dr Doris Blaesing (RMCG) and Dr Len Tesoriero (NSW DPI) will be presenting a practical session focusing on damping off diseases and their control, with plenty of in-field demonstrations, tips and tools.
Time/date: 10:00am-3:00pm, Thursday 3 May 2018 (Soil Wealth session running from 2:00pm-3:00pm)
Location: Loose Leaf Lettuce Company, 198 Ashby Road, Gingin WA
Hosted by Maureen Dobra and Kevan Dobra from the Loose Leaf Lettuce Company, the day will also offer attendees a chance to tour seed plots where new green leaf varieties are being trialed, including head lettuce and baby leaf varieties.
Growers will also have the chance to speak to representatives from participating seed companies, including Bayer, South Pacific Seeds, Seminis and Rijk Zwaan.
For more information on the trial, you can view the flyer online. To RSVP, contact vegetablesWA’s Christina Ford on 08 9486 7515 or at christina.ford@vegetableswa.com.au.
Growers in the Carnarvon region who are interested in hearing about soil health can attend workshops and field days being hosted by vegetablesWA in late April and early May.
This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 17 April 2018. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!