Webinar and Fact Sheet: Managing salinity in vegetable crops
19 November 2019
Bee biosecurity awareness for beekeepers and growers
19 November 2019Attachment
Chemicals play an important role in vegetable production and are regularly used to control insect pests, diseases and weeds. Poor spray application techniques can result in reduced control of pests, yield reduction, wasted chemicals, and lower returns to the grower.
Watch this informative and interactive one-hour webinar to get the latest updates from vegetable industry experts in Australia, including:
- Scott Mathew, Senior Solutions Development Lead, Syngenta on the service provider perspective and maximising the performance of your spray application: tips and tools (presentation slides available here)
- Scott Samwell, Director, Eastbrook Vegetable Farms on the growers perspective and spray equipment: how to choose it, test it and use it properly
- Stuart Grigg, Independent Agronomist, Stuart Grigg Ag-Hort Consulting on the agronomist perspective and how to best use chemical control options in your farming system: addressing common grower questions.
This session was facilitated by Carl Larsen from RMCG and delivered by the National Vegetable Extension Network (VegNET), funded by Hort Innovation using the vegetable research and development levy and funds from the Australian Government.
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Chemicals & pesticides