New Soil Wealth case study trials custom composts for carrot crop performance and soil health
30 July 2018
Gippsland Women in Horticulture to explore production, processing, provenance and participation
2 August 2018Using the Vegetable Fund, Hort Innovation has invested in a project to coordinate the agrichemical needs of the Australian vegetable industry by finding the gaps in Australia’s access to the chemistry you need to maintain your productivity and protect your crops.
This information is then used to help growers in a number of ways, including by directing R&D funding for crop protection purposes, like Hort Innovation’s permit renewal and registration projects.
AUSVEG’s Patrick Arratia will be visiting Western Australia in late August to meet with carrot and brassica growers to talk about your pest, disease and weed issues. The information you give will be used to identify what agrichemicals you need and try and find solutions to fill these gaps.
If you’re in the region and you grow those crops, Patrick is eager to hear from you!
Myalup – Brassicas
Time/date: 1:00pm-2:30pm, Wednesday 29 August 2018
Location: Myalup Community Centre, 1 Reading Road, Myalup WA
Myalup – Carrots
Time/date: 3:00pm-5:00pm, Wednesday 29 August 2018
Location: Myalup Community Centre, 1 Reading Road, Myalup WA
Manjimup – Brassicas
Time/date: 2:30pm-5:00pm, Thursday 30 August 2018
Location: Manijmup Community Resource Centre – Multi-function Room, 45 Rose Street, Manjimup WA
You can RSVP to Patrick on 0418 982 572, or at patrick.arratia@ausveg.com.au.
If you’re not in the region and would like to contribute to the project, you can take part in the National Pest Survey, which is also being used to inform Patrick’s work and helps the project identify the industry’s priority agrichemical needs for further action.
This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 28 August, 21 August, 14 August 2018 and 7 August 2018. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!