Understanding The Causes Of Sudden Wilt Of Capsicum
7 February 2003Detection And Management Of Copper-Tolerance In Bacterial Diseases Of Vegetables
31 March 2003Discussions with all sectors of industry and the supply chain formed an important part of this review into the requirements for Australian fresh tomatoes and implications for genetic improvement.
Reports commissioned during the 1990s identified continual improvements in the quality of fresh tomatoes in retail outlets. This review agrees with those findings and confirms that a wide range of tomato types is now available to consumers.
A detailed survey of local commercial seed companies has demonstrated that a wide range of varieties is available with resistances/tolerances to the majority of tomato pests and diseases found in Australia. Most tomatoes are grown from seed wholly developed by commercial seed companies.
It was not possible to identify any major pests and diseases which justify a national public breeding program for the development of resistances/tolerances. No other varietal characteristics were identified as potential subjects for a national public breeding program.
Following discussions with the market place and supply chain, opportunities may be identified for specific niche tomato varieties with particular characteristics. The existing breeding programs in Queensland or Victoria could be involved in the development of germplasm for these opportunities,
Fully transparent tendering processes should be used when genetic material from existing and future public breeding programs are to be released to commercial seed companies for further development under partnership agreements.
Production information packages should be developed to accompany varieties released from public breeding programs.