On 1 September, the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) approved the registration of the MIRAVIS® Duo label (Difenconazole + Pydiflumetofen) Group 3+7, for various […]
The generation of pesticide residue, efficacy and crop safety data is required to support label registration and minor use permit applications made to the Australian Pesticides […]
The generation of pesticide residue, efficacy and crop safety data is required to support label registration and minor use permit applications made to the Australian Pesticides […]
The generation of pesticide residue, efficacy and crop safety data is required to support label registration and minor use permit applications made to the Australian Pesticides […]
New updates are available on agchem projects, including minor use extensions and registrations, regulatory issues, and work by AUSVEG's Patrick Arratia.